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Honoring and Supporting our Veterans

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Honoring and Supporting our Veterans


County Commissioner Maria Marino

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Each November, we observe Veterans Day to honor Americans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  As fellow citizens, we must remember to express our gratitude to veterans, who have been willing to step in harm’s way to protect us, and the freedoms we hold dear.  November also has become the month during which we observe National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week.

Sadly, veteran homelessness spans age groups from those who served in the Korean War and Vietnam era to the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts.  There are currently more than 67,000 homeless veterans in the United States, and roughly 2,500 homeless veterans in Florida.  Service men and women returning home, many with disabilities, mental illness and post-traumatic stress disorder, struggle transitioning back into civilian life.

Palm Beach County Veterans Services (561-355-4761) assists and counsels former and current members of the Armed Forces to apply for benefits, including housing, disability compensation, education, employment, financial assistance, health care, and other resources.  The County works with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Rapid Rehousing and Supportive Housing programs, but the need remains for additional affordable housing and support services.

The County Department of Housing and Economic Development makes state and federal financing available to private and non-profit developers who construct affordable housing with preference for veterans.  Additionally, the County Commission has urged our federal legislative delegation to prioritize housing, financial and credit counseling programs for veterans.

Earlier this year, the Commission established a Veteran Services Advisory Board to assess the needs of veterans in the county and to help facilitate coordination between agencies and organizations whose mission is to assist veterans and their families. The members of the advisory board are veterans and others experienced in the areas of mental health and substance abuse, financial assistance, housing, employment, mobility and a representative of the Veterans Administration Medical Center.  The Veteran Services Advisory Board will report to the Commission on needs and gaps in services.  Through their input and guidance, the County will take steps to seek additional resources and help maximize assistance to veterans.

The emergency helpline for veterans in Palm Beach County is 2-1-1.  The following link will take you to a comprehensive list of telephone numbers for veterans seeking assistance, 211 PBC Veterans Guide (  If you know a veteran who is struggling, please share this information with them or have them contact me at (561) 355-2201 and I will connect them with service providers who can help.
