Investigations Division

Vision Statement

Conduct objective investigations and reviews that result in accurate and timely reports that identify misconduct and/or internal control deficiencies, as well as make recommendations that prevent or mitigate employee wrongdoing and the risk of future losses.

  • Initiates, conducts, supervises and coordinates investigations designed to detect, deter, prevent, and eradicate fraud, waste, mismanagement, misconduct, and other abuses in county and municipal government.
  • Conducts investigations and other inquiries free of actual or perceived impairment to the independence of the Inspector General.
  • Reports expeditiously to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement or other law enforcement agencies whenever the Inspector General has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of criminal law.

Investigative activities will regularly result in correspondence(s) to the entity about which an allegation is directed. The various types of correspondence are as follows:

  • Management Referral - allegation(s) which are referred to management for their handling with no response to the OIG required.
  • Management Inquiry - allegation(s) which are sent to management with a required response to the OIG. A review of the response by the OIG will determine whether an investigation will be initiated.
  • Investigative Review - a formal review of a specific program area to determine whether or not it is operating within established procedures. These may be initiated in response to a complaint or expressed concern that does not name a specific subject or at the request of management as a tool for program improvement.
  • Investigation - a process by which information and case supporting material is obtained relevant to allegations, complaints, or violations otherwise suspected.

To request our training, please contact the office at 561-233-2350.

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